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What is Acupuncture?

One of the oldest healing practices in the world, acupuncture is a complete medical system that is used to diagnose and treat illness, prevent disease and improve well-being.

It is effec­tive for phys­i­cal, psy­cho­log­i­cal and emo­tional problems.

Acupuncture is an essential part of traditional Chinese medicine, a comprehensive system of health care with a continuous clinical history of over 3000 years.

Chinese medicine includes acupuncture, Chinese herbology and bodywork, dietary therapy and exercise based on traditional Chinese medicine principles.

Acupuncture consists of insertion of hair thin needles into certain locations of human body in order to cure or prevent a disease from happening.

The application of this therapy is based on the theory of Qi (energy) flow and its pathway (meridians). In this theory, disease is considered to be the result of energy imbalance. This imbalance can be corrected by putting needles into certain energy gates (acu-points) and by manipulating these needles in specific ways.

chinese acupuncture denver colorado
acupuncture points

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Chinese medicine is based on an energetic model rather than the biochemical model of Western medicine.

The ancient Chinese recognized a vital energy behind all life forms and life processes. They called this energy Qi (pronounced chee).

In developing an understanding of the prevention and cure of disease, these healing practitioners discovered that this energy flows along specific pathways called ‘meridians’. Each pathway is associated with a particular physiological system and internal organ.

Disease is considered to arise due to a deficiency or imbalance of energy in the meridians and their associated physiological systems.

Acupuncture points are specific locations along the meridians. Each point has a predictable effect upon the vital energy passing through it. Modern science has been able to measure the electrical charge at these points, thus corroborating the locations of the meridians mapped by the ancients.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses an intricate system of pulse and tongue diagnosis, palpation of points and meridians, medical history and other signs and symptoms to create a composite Chinese medical diagnosis. A treatment plan is then formulated to induce the body to a balanced state of health.

What Can I Expect?

The intent of acupunc­ture ther­apy is to pro­mote health and alle­vi­ate pain and suf­fer­ing. The method by which this is accom­plished, though it may seem strange and mys­te­ri­ous to many, has been time tested over thou­sands of years and con­tin­ues to be val­i­dated today.

Many conditions may be alleviated very rapidly by acupuncture and Chinese medicine. However, some conditions that have arisen over a course of years will be relieved only with slow, steady progress.

As in any form of healing, the patient’s attitude, diet, and lifestyle will affect the outcome of a course of treatment. Patients are encouraged to actively participate in their healing process.

Although Chinese medicine can treat most conditions, there are circumstances that can be dealt with more effectively by Western medicine. In such cases, we will recommend you contact a Western medical doctor.  Acupuncture and Chinese medicine should be seen as complementary to Western medicine.

With more than 25 years as a prac­ti­tioner and an edu­ca­tor in acupunc­ture, Jian­shu Cheng has ded­i­cated him­self to the excel­lence of this pro­fes­sion. Jian­shu is able to influ­ence health and sick­ness by stim­u­lat­ing cer­tain areas or merid­i­ans with fine, slen­der needles.

Jian­shu incor­po­rates many addi­tional forms of stim­u­la­tion includ­ing herbs and electricity.

chinese acupuncture needles. Denver Colorado clinic

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is Acupuncture Safe?

In the hands of a comprehensively trained acupuncturist, your safety is assured.

Acupuncture needles are sterile and are either disposable or autoclaved between treatments.

In my practice, only disposable needles are used.

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What If I Am Very Sensitive To Needles?

In the hands of a comprehensively trained acupuncturist, your safety is assured.

Acupuncture needles are sterile and are either disposable or autoclaved between treatments.

In my practice, only disposable needles are used.

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Are There Any Effects Immediately After an Acupuncture Treatment?

Feeling relaxed or “light-headed” is quite common. If you suffer from a chronic pain of muscularskeletal origin, the pain may temporarily become more pronouncing after the treatment before improvement takes place. The result can be immediate for some diseases like acute muscular pains, headaches or sinus disorders.

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Is Acupuncture Painful?

Acupuncture bears no resemblance to the feeling of receiving an injection, since the main source of pain from injections is the larger diameter, hollow needle and the medication being forced into the tissue by pressure. Acupuncture needles are very fine and flexible, about the diameter of a human hair. In most cases, insertion by a skilled practitioner is performed without discomfort.

You may experience a sense of heaviness or electricity in the area of insertion. Most patients find the treatments very relaxing and many fall asleep during treatment. In some cases, your practitioner may also recommend herbs or dietary, exercise or lifestyle changes

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Anything That I Should I Do Before My Acupuncture Treatment?

First of all, BE RELAXED! Relaxation is something that cannot be overemphasized. A few things that you can do to better prepare yourself:

  1. Wear loose clothes. Snack thirty minutes before your scheduled visit if you are hungry.
  2. Empty your bladder before the treatment.
  3. Let your acupuncturist know if you are fatigued, or emotionally upset, or have just received other body works such as massage therapy prior to your acupuncture treatment.
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How Often Do I Need Acupuncture Treatment in Order to Cure or Stabilized My Condition?

It depends on the type of disease you suffer from. For most conditions, acupuncture treatment is often rendered on a weekly basis in order to achieve the best possible result in the shortest amount of time.

After the initial improvement, the treatment plan is then modified based on the type of disease.



Jian­shu Cheng’s acupunc­ture prac­tice, exper­tise, knowl­edge, skill, and per­sonal con­cern are excel­lent. I have con­sulted him on spe­cific issues, as well as gen­eral health and well-​being.

I had one par­tic­u­lar health issue that was severe and painful, for which I con­sulted var­i­ous doc­tors and spe­cial­ists. Surgery was rec­om­mended as one of my only options.

But after receiv­ing treat­ments from Jian­shu in his Denver clinic, my symp­toms dras­ti­cally improved, and the issue was resolved with­out surgery. I have rec­om­mended him to fam­ily and friends because of the effec­tive­ness of his work.